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Archive for Uncategorized – Page 6

The Economy: The Moment of Truth Has Arrived!

By Professor Ricardo Ulivi, Ph.D. October 2014 A few months ago the Fed announced that they were likely to end the latest round of their quantitative easing (QE) program in October, which means they will stop buying bonds on a massive scale. The reason? They believe the economy is improving, and therefore there is no longer

Why Spenders Can’t Save, and Savers Can’t Spend!

By Professor Ricardo Ulivi, Ph.D. October 2014 In my decades helping people with their personal finances, two truths stand out: spenders cannot save and savers find it very difficult to spend. I have never had success in transforming spenders to savers, so I prefer not to deal with them anymore. Too frustrating. Once, however, I

Could I Be Wrong?

By Professor Rick Ulivi, Ph.D. July 2014 I have been pretty consistent over the last two years in warning that financial markets were being artificially inflated by the easy money policy of the Federal Reserve. Yet the markets continue to increase, which means either I have completely misunderstood the new dynamics, or we are just

How Dreams Can Become Nightmares

By Professor Ricardo Ulivi, Ph.D. June 2014 Ten years ago my wife and I bought an apartment in Buenos Aires with the expectation that at some later point in life we would be spending more time in the city. We rented the place out for all those years and finally decided to remodel it. Our

Myth: You Will Pay Less Taxes in Retirement

By Professor Ricardo Ulivi, Ph.D. March  2014 When I started in the financial services industry about 34 years ago, the first dogma we were taught was to persuade our clients to invest in tax deferred accounts like IRAs, 401 (k), 403 (b) and so on. The justification was that, in your working years, you were